Goddess Brittney King
Pleasure is Your Birthright

Dear beautiful, courageous woman,

She who desires more in her life. More play, more honesty, more pleasure, more orgasms, more depth, more community, more connection, more love, more authentic you! I see you, I am here for you!

I know what it’s like to check the list and do all the things you’re supposed to do and not be satisfied. To feel like this can’t be it, can it? 

I know what it’s like to feel unsafe to leave the worn path and follow your heart, your pussy, your desire. 

I am here to remind you that Pleasure is your birthright.

You were designed for massive waves of ecstasy. 

You can have everything you desire.

The amazing job, the soul aligned partnership with deep connection and epic sex, massive prosperity, space, support, peace, relaxation, freedom, all of it. 

I write this love letter to you because I know what is possible when you choose this

Magick & Miracles

Even bigger, even better than you imagined possible. I know because I’ve chosen it. 

I am devoted to every woman experiencing all the pleasure that life has to offer. Take my hand and let me show you how good life can get, can be, is! 

The time is now, say yes to your future. Say yes to your pleasure. 

Say yes to you.

I Am Goddess Brittney King

I am an embodied woman who has learned to trust her body and follow her bliss. This wasn’t always my truth. Growing up I had several experiences that led me to believe it was not safe to be present in my body. For years I existed only from the neck up, completely disassociated from my body, deeply entrenched in being a people pleaser, afraid to have needs or take up any space. It was exhausting. I was anxious, depressed, and quietly suffering from disordered eating all while having a big smile on my face pretending that everything was “fine”. 

Right before my thirtieth birthday, a massive life event turned my world upside down and I decided that I would no longer live this way. I committed to exploring a new way of being and everything changed. I began a relationship with Pleasure. I began to remember who I truly am, what I like, what’s a yes and what’s a no. Pleasure opened me up to divine partnership, created more money, space, liberation, orgasms, more juiciness! IT FEELS AMAZING! 

I’m a witchy queer free loving Goddess who lives in devotion to Pleasure for every being. As a Pleasure Priestess I am here to shine a light on the path so you may experience your own relationship with Pleasure.

And So It Is

Ways To Play With Me

  • Self Study

    If you desire to begin this intimate work with the most flexibility then this is for you! You can move at your own pace and rewatch as much as you desire with these pre-recorded classes.

  • Rites of Passage Ceremonies

    Bespoke ceremonies for moments of transition. Every ending is also a beginning. Allow yourself to honor the thresholds between worlds. Events such as: birth, puberty, marriage, menopause, divorce, and change in life path get to be honored with reverence and ritual.

  • 1:1 Mentorship

    Intimacy. Depth. Transformation. Are you ready to be expanded? To traverse that which hasn’t yet been explored? This is for the woman who is ready to embrace her greatness and love all of who she is. We discover through movement, through ceremony, through fun! Get ready for your most pleasurable transformation yet…

  • Embodiment Workshops

    When one of us heals, we all heal. Have you experienced the power of collective healing? These solo classes, multipart series and deep dive workshops allow you to explore embodiment alongside likeminded sisters.

  • Retreats

    My absolute favorite way to serve. Let’s go somewhere beautiful and luxurious where you can reflect, connect, replenish and rise! It’s truly my honor to share my love through these potent and powerful transmission.

Praise From The Queens

Kat Benner

When Brittney started sharing with me about her journey to love, know and reclaim her pleasure, sensuality, and sexual expression, something about that resonated deeply within me. 

That something was my inner goddess also wanting to be met, acknowledged, nourished, fed, loved, praised, seen, and set free. So I asked Brittney more about this journey she was on and what she has learned along the way. I shared with her my view and feelings on my own (shy) sensual goddess and she invited me to come learn, explore and experience in a private session with her. And I am so grateful that I did!! 

Brittney created a comfortable, luxurious, curated experience for me to get intimate with my inner goddess using movement, music, meditation, dance, touch/textures, aesthetics, breathwork, and other techniques. At the end of the experience I had a big emotional release that was so deeply needed…I had the revelation that my body is for ME first and foremost and I need to get to know her and stay connected to that sexy goddess!

This experience helped me get much more comfortable with my body and my sensuality/sexuality. It taught me about the power and importance of love and intimacy with myself. How can you share something with another person that you have not fully explored and loved first yourself? Improving this connection has allowed me to then accept, honor, and SET FREE my inner sensual goddess when I’m with partners or just with myself. 

Sexuality/sensuality has long been an area I have felt was only to be explored and experienced in an intimate situation with another person. Brittney helped me reclaim my sensuality and sexuality for MYSELF and I have been on a beautiful learning path of continued empowerment and self knowledge since our session. 

I would 10000000% recommend a session with Brittney, ESPECIALLY if the idea of exploring your sensuality for *just yourself* seems totally foreign! Since my session with Brittney I have found myself not just being more in tune with my body’s signals, but also connecting with and enjoying my body’s expression as a sensual being in ways I never have before. This has brought me into better communication with myself as well asmore honest exploration about what I enjoy and want to explore with partners as well as on my own. Thank you Brittney for opening the door to a part of myself that I didn’t know needed more love, attention. freedom, and exploration. 

Jenny Smith

“Brittney brings Goddess energy to a whole new level. She made me feel so comfortable exploring my hidden power and story from within. After one conversation, I found myself feeling more deserving to ask for the things I want. After one session, I felt my body and mind lining up to receive the things I want and to create my art in this world from a deep place and eternal source of energy. I move now daily, in a different way. My favorite line from Brittney during a session was “This time, lead with your nose…whatever that means to you”. I can’t tell you how powerful it was to trust that I knew what that meant, lead with that intent and see how it translates into my daily life. Now I wander intentionally and what comes of it, is the gift I want to give back to the world.”

Hillary Mendoza

Oh. My. GODDESS. Where do I even begin? My journey with Pleasure Priestess Britt King has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Through my work with her in embodiment practices, sensuality, dance, ritual, and pleasure, I've been able to unlock new dimensions within myself that I never knew existed. One of the most profound shifts I've experienced is in opening channels in my body to greater subtlety, pleasure, and slowing down through sensual dance with myself. Britt guided me in connecting with the innate wisdom of my body, allowing me to move in ways that felt authentic and true to my being. I've learned to listen to my body's whispers (and screams) and respond to my inner cues, which has brought me a sense of profound liberation and joy. Not only has my relationship with my body transformed, but also my ability to connect with others on a deeper level. After months of feeling dormant in my intimacy with others, our work helped reawaken my sensuality and opened me up to experiencing intimacy with others in a whole new way. I've learned to be present in the moment, to truly connect with others from a place of authenticity, and to honor my own boundaries and desires. One of the most empowering aspects of working with Britt is the permission she gives to move my body in whatever way I desire. I was able to let go of societal expectations and judgments of how I "should" look, and instead, to listen to my body's innate wisdom and move in a way that feels true to me. This has been deeply liberating, allowing me to express myself freely and authentically. Throughout my journey with her, I've been reminded that I always have a choice in how I experience my body and my pleasure. I get to honor my boundaries, desires, and needs, and to prioritize my own well-being. Her work has been a profound reminder that pleasure is a birthright, and that it's essential to connect with our bodies and our inner truths in order to fully embrace the joy of life. It's been a divine experience that's allowed me to connect with my own authenticity, listen to my body's wisdom, and fully embrace pleasure as a sacred aspect of my being. If you're seeking a profound, transformative, and empowering experience, I wholeheartedly recommend working with this Pleasure Priestess! It's a journey that will leave you feeling liberated, empowered, and deeply connected to your own body, pleasure, and inner truths. Thank you, Britt, for your exquisite work in guiding me towards a more embodied, sensual, and pleasurable existence. You are a true Priestess of Pleasure, and I am forever grateful for the profound impact you have had on my life. May your work ripple out to all who desire to live as such!


For so long, I’ve thought of myself as separate from my body. I thought of my body as a temporary home for my soul rather than an actual aspect of myself that deserves to be honored and cherished. Brittney held a space of compassion and understanding that enabled me to finally experience my whole, primal self. My body experienced all emotions - joy, amusement, sensuality, grief, rage - in their full, physical and holy expressions. Britt provided a genuinely kind and steady presence for me to lean on, and I’m learning that I don’t need to experience life from the neck-up only, anymore.


“Britt is a close friend of mine and the only way to describe her is “light and sensuality.” She is a beacon of joy and has a huge compassionate heart, always looking for a way to give back and to bring joy to others. Through working with her, I learned so much about myself, my body and how I’ve been looking at myself over the years, overlooking certain parts, being unkind to others. I learned kindness towards myself through touch and movement, and the whole time I could feel her genuine desire to help me and teach me. All this is amazing, but my favorite thing about her is how much she makes me laugh. She is a joy to spend time with.”


“I'm in a period of big transition, and felt increasingly out of touch with myself - my desires, creativity, rituals, and.. essence. Working with Britt has been a sweet, sexy, fun, and sometimes-funny homecoming and reminded me of my internal power(s). I feel more connected to myself, and have better tools to deepen this connection as well as reconnect when life intervenes. This work is such a gift in a society run by feelings of 'not enough' or 'too much'.”

Love Letters from Goddess Brittney.

I love the personal connection and intention of writing a love letter so that’s what I do. This is the place where I share my most intimate musings. You’ll also be the first to know about all happenings of the Pleasure Palace Portal as well as exclusive discounts, rituals, community classes and so much more!

Contact Me

Is there something your heart would like to share? I’d love to hear from you.