Meet the Kings

Lisset King

Emotional Ninja

I am a Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Lingustic Programming, Mental Emotional Release and Hypnosis. Using these modalities along with Hawaiian energy work, I help leaders release baggage and heal unresolved trauma so they can take action on what they truly desire in life.

Goddess Brittney King

Pleasure Priestess

I hold space for women to remember their joy: what lights you up and turns you on. Basically I helps women move from numb to embodied using body led movement, and sacred rituals and mother nature to support you in creating from your deepest juiciest YES!

How We Serve

“Fuck Fine, I want Fantastic!”

-Marli Williams

We believe that no one has to settle for mediocre, or fine, or just okay. We are your enthusiastic super fans who are here to remind you that everything you desire IS possible.

You can have the amazing relationship, the great career, the incredible family, prosperity, freedom, ease, legit anything.

You get to decide!

So…what do you want?

And are you open to truly receiving it?

We offer incredible transformational experiences for individuals and couples who are ready to step into their power and create the future they truly desire.

It can be fun. It can be easy.

When would now be a good time to start living that incredible life?


Private Retreats

You are invited into a portal of possibility.

Whether you’re seeking personal healing, spiritual growth, or simply a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you, our private retreats offer a safe and nurturing space for you to explore, expand, and transform. Hosted in Portland, OR, we guide you through a personalized experience designed to support you from where you are to where you desire to go. Our modalities work on the spiritual, mental, and emotional planes to support you in create lasting change.

Allow us to hold space for your most magnificent unfoldment yet…

Available to individuals or couples

Please schedule a call so we can explore if this offering is the best for you.

Vortex Retreats

These private retreats invite you into a journey of profound self-discovery and renewal. Allow yourself or your partnership to be enveloped in transformative experiences, tailored to your unique needs, as you delve deep into the heart of your being. Vortex retreats are particularly special because we’ll venture to sacred sites such as the energy vortexes in Sedona or Mount Shasta. This frequency intertwined with personalized guidance from Goddess Brittney and Lisset create an experience like no other. This is our most intimate and extensive offering for those desiring a quantum leap.

Available to individuals or couples.

Please schedule a call so we can explore if this offering is the best for you.

Home Grids

We study from a 120 generation unbroken lineage of Hawaiian energy work. One aspect of this is grids! Grids are amazing way to establish an energetic frequency for your space. You get to decide how you want your home to feel and what vibrations you would like to stay out. Depending on the size of your space, it takes about an hour and includes an energy attunement session for those living in the space. This process can be done for any space that belongs to you such as your office or a rental property,

This offering is available for spaces anywhere in USA

starting at $700

Honest Feedback Podcast

Hosted by Goddess Brittney and Lisset, Honest Feedback offers compassionate support, advice and new perspectives on navigating life's challenges. It’s a call in advice show where you can ask us pretty much anything. Feel free to give us a call at 971-895-4111 or dm us on instagram @honestfeedbackpodcast.

This Free offering is available everywhere podcasts are found as well as on YouTube.