Florida Water - Aqua de Florida


Each brew is made of the same ingredients and each carries a different vibration as well as variations of hues and scents based on the lunation it was brewed under. These are 2oz bottles

Aqua de Florida:
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I have a deep connection with Florida Water and used to only  purchase it from a local witch in Los Angeles where I was living when I first began to work with it. During a meditation, I was visited by a guide who reminded me that I come from a lineage of magical practitioners who brew Florida Water and that it was time to bring our recipe into the world. I spent a year in meditation, working with different plants and following my nose as my guide until I finally smelled the correct recipe. Since then I have followed that lunations brew under myriad full moons.

Florida water is like the crystal quartz of magical waters. It’s useful in spellwork, rituals, for protection and cleansing. It is brewed for at least 28 days beginning under a full moon and blessed by me with daily meditation, prayers, songs and energy work. 

Use it to clear negative energy in a space or on a person, you can add it to the bath to cleanse your energy or to add to a ritual, add a dab to a candle before lighting it to add extra energy behind your intention. I also love using it when doing medicine work to ground into your body and to set energetic boundaries in a space. You can dilute it with water and use it to clean the house, mop the walls or floors. Use it liberally and with intention. 

Full Moon in Cancer: This moon was the first of 2023 and known as the wolf moon. This lunation spoke to me about building deeper trust with intuition, gaining wisdom from your emotions and being led by your energy body. The gift of cancer energy is sensitivity and this brew spoke to me about how being in touch with the subtleties of one’s emotions is a superpower. 

Full Moon in Virgo: This full moon was at its fullest at 4:44 am and specifically asked to be brewed during this magical meditative hour because within sixty minutes Saturn moves into Pisces. During the ritual of blessing this brew, the Goddess White Tara came through and blessed this brew with her gifts of gentle purification, healing, protection, peace and blessings. White Tara is known for being a wish grantor as well as one who conquers all poisons. She essentially removes the roots of problems. This brew has been charged with the imprint of Metatron's cube and is super potent in the vibration of energy that connects earth and the divine. 

Full Moon in Sagittarius: This full moon shone light upon liberation. Liberating ourselves from limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and  perspectives. It invited us to burn all the bridges that no longer serve us.  This brew asked for music to be played often. It was blessed with drumming, koshi chimes, songs and chants. This brew was charged with the imprint of the Flower of Life, which is a sacred geometric figure that represents creation and the interconnectedness of all beings. 

Full Super Moon in Capricorn: Big manifestation energy! This full moon occurred during the summer (July) when sun energy was high and the days were long. I heard this lunation tapping into the get. $hit. Done. energy. Whatever you are calling in, let’s get it. Whatever you are making, let’s do it. It was a super powerful moon for manifesting your desires particularly around professional goals. 

Full moon in Aquarius: This moon spoke to me about prosperity. This is my sun and rising sign and I felt so much energy around infinity, abundance, prosperity and magick. This lunation was charged with the magician tarot card which holds all the elements, a magic wand, and the infinity symbol over their head. The message was to remember that you are always provided for.


Pulled from IG: “Amazing, i love how it made my heart and skin fEEL”- Jennifer

“tHESE ARE SO GOOD 😀I smell awesome after using it ” Emily 

“Just used mine for the first time. Left me softs for DAYS” Yasmeen

“When I opened the box I felt so much love and care. And the products, WOW! I’m so in love” Jaime


  1. How to select which one? : Trust your intuition, read about them and know you will pick the right one for you. The astrological sign on each bottle references the moon that batch was brewed under. The moon shifts signs every two days. It is not necessary for you to select a lunation based on your sun sign. 

  2. Can I get a custom Florida Water based on my birth chart or a transit that holds meaning for me? You absolutely can, click the contact me button and send me a message. A custom lunation Florida Water is 16oz  per lunation and pricing begins at $75

  3. What’s in it? Organic grain alcohol, lavender, fresh citrus, floral essences, cloves, spells, songs, love and magick 

  4. How do I use it? The uses are myriad. Some of my favorites are:

  • Clearing >> Spray the four corners of a room and ask anything not for me to leave.

  • Blessing >> Add it to the bath and set an intention.

  • Grounding >> Spray around my crown and inhale deeply. Spray on my wrists and breath, grounding my energy into the earth.

  • Cleaning >> Add to mopping solution and clear any stagnant energy in your home.